August 17, 2022
It was an honor to document these two as the celebrated the legacy of 25 years of marriage through a vow renewal. As you probably know, we love celebrating marriage over here! Not just the wedding day, but we feel as though every day of marriage is so important and deserves to be celebrated! Marriage is never promised to be easy but it is up there as one of the most fulfilling things we get the privilege of doing on this earth.
These two are some of the most special people in our lives. Laura had Andy as her youth pastor all through high school. Through their discipleship and mentorship, Andy and Molly, helped to cultivate her love for her Savior and for a missional mindset both in Mexico and in her local community. Fast forward to our wedding, Andy joined Laura’s dad in officiating our wedding. Shortly after, Andy became our senior pastor at our church. We served alongside him in youth ministry and they have been so faithful to us and our family over almost 20 years. We feel so privileged to call them some of our dearest friends and those in our inner circle that we get to do life with.
The evening was magical! They shared the same vows that they had said at their wedding. So much life has happened since they first said those vows. Highs and lows but they have continued to choose one another over the years. The girls did such a wonderful job creating a GIANT charcuterie board that was perfect for talking and grazing the evening away. The mosquitoes also enjoyed the buffet, aka us, but thankfully we are all outdoorsy people that know how to shoo them away. We shared stories and laughed and talked until after sunset.
Andy + Molly, we love you guys and are so grateful that we get to do life alongside you. You and your girls are precious to our family and we loved being there to celebrate such a special time with you on the prettiest summer evening. Enjoy scrolling through some of our favorites from that evening!
Love You Guys!
Rob + Laura
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