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The Cimbalik Family Adventures // Uganda

Filed in: Personal, Travel, Uganda

This blog is a little bit different than what you may have grown used to seeing over here. A little bit more personal. Here is why: we believe so strongly in building a personal business. Our couples and families that we serve are not just clients to us. They become our friends. And we believe that friendship is based on trust and part of trusting someone is understanding what really lights them up inside. We get invited into some of the most beautifully intimate days to serve our couples. What is more intimate than a wedding? It only seems fair to let you in on our lives, too! We want to be transparent and let you have a peek at our lives as the Cimbalik family.

Don’t worry, there will still be a lot of beautiful weddings to look at and adorable family pictures to see. But mixed in to those posts we want to share with you about who we are! Are you ready to hear about the biggest adventure we have taken!? Yes!? Keep scrolling! 🙂

Have you ever done something so exciting and so terrifying all at once? This past week was a monumental one in our home. We did something that was terrifying! Terrifyingly, exciting and Laura cried happy tears when we clicked “confirm”! We are so excited to share with you something that we have been planning and praying about for over 8 years!

Let us take you back to May of 2008, in case you aren’t aware that’s over ten years ago! Anyways, ten years ago a nineteen year old girl hopped on a plane with her dear friend and she flew across the world to the lovely country of Uganda. She really had no idea what was in store for them. Only that she felt the intense desire to go, serve, and love.  She fell in love with absolutely everything about Uganda. Especially the hearts of the Ugandan people she encountered. A part of her heart grew in Uganda and has remained there long after her return home. That young girl was Laura and the desire to return back to the orphans she worked with has only intensified through the years.

Here is Laura with a few of her MANY friends she made while in Uganda.

She spent two months working in a local orphanage and loving on and being loved by so many sweet children! For people who have so little they had more joy and happiness than most people you will ever meet. What a lesson we can learn from them! If we peel away the stuff – all our stuff that we constantly compile in the hopes of it bringing us happiness. If we peel all of that away, we are left with what truly matters. People. Relationships. These things are lasting and more valuable than anything money can buy.

After we got married we began planning our return trip to Uganda! Laura couldn’t wait to show Rob the beautiful country that held some of her heart! However, the Lord had a little different plan. Our sweet little Robby entered our lives as an unexpected blessing and we postponed our trip. The trip was continually postponed as we had our babies. But the desire to one day go back never faded. In fact, we became more excited at the thought of taking our kids over to see this beautiful country and allowing God to open their eyes and cultivate a attitude of service in their little hearts.

That brings us to now! This week we booked our trip to Uganda!! For our whole family! For over five weeks! Some people might think we are crazy and that’s okay! We feel a little crazy sometimes, too. 😉

But we do know one thing: we are crazy-excited to take our whole family overseas and love and serve anyone Jesus puts in our path. This is a big trip, but we serve a really big God and we are so expectant to see He how works in the lives of people and in us!

We will be working alongside an amazing family that has served in Uganda for over five years. Klint and Vicki Ostermann run Heart 4 Uganda and Work 4 A Living. If you would like to understand a little more about their ministry feel free to watch this video that beautifully explains some of the things we will be doing during our time in Uganda.

As we write this and look out the window at the huge amount of snow on the ground nothing sounds better than digging our hands in the red, warm soil of their Ugandan farm! Another opportunity we will have is to teach their students classes on business and photography. We are so excited to just live in community with these people. But overall we just want to love these beautiful people well and share about the great love we have been given through Jesus. Because for us it’s never been about religion, but rather the relationship we have with a God who loves us more than we can ever imagine. A love like that we just can’t keep to ourselves!

Will you come along on this journey with us!? We know that you can’t physically come with us, but we would love to have you stay connected and keep updated as we take this adventure! We plan on blogging as much as possible to share all about our time and experiences. If you made it this far, thank you! Thank you for your interest in our family and we hope you stick around for this exciting journey!


Much Love,

Rob and Laura

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We are Rob + Laura Cimbalik, a crazy-in-love, husband-wife wedding photography team, based out of the McCall, Idaho area!



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